The Ward 7 Short-term Family Housing Facility is located at 5004 D Street SE on an existing District-owned vacant lot. In crafting the design of the new building, it was critical to create a facility that not only exceeded the needs outlined by the District of Columbia Department of General Services and the Department of Human Services; but also seamlessly integrated with its surroundings. The building has sleeping rooms for 35 families, with multiple shared family-style restrooms on each floor. The building also includes Multi-purpose/Dining space, Administrative space, and common areas for residents. It is approximately 34,700 gross square feet with four stories above grade and one story below. The site includes a play area and an outdoor space to accommodate adults and older children. The building has been designed to achieve LEED for Homes Gold certification. Sustainable features will include green roof, high-efficiency HVAC systems, and a high-performance building envelope.
The sensitivity, diligence and creativity with which the design team approached the design of this new shelter is reflected in the unanimous approval received from the local Advisory Neighborhood Commission, the Board of Zoning Adjustment, and the US Commission of Fine Arts.
Sustainability: Designed to achieve LEED for Homes Gold Certification
Photographer: Hoachlander Davis Photography